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Wishing You All a New Year Full of Hellebores

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We have, on occasion, been accused of being "helleboring". The first instance was when we made one of our earliest trips to the UK with friends. Of the two couples one pair was very interested in hellebore, the the other pair, not so much. Since our trip was supposedly to visit nurseries specializing in Helleborus, we did see a lot for them, but evidently we also talked about little else. Our less interested friends had spent the better part of a week out in the cold, the rain and yes, even the sleet and snow, looking at hellebore plants. When we were in a pub for lunch or at the hotel at days end we talked about the hellebores we had seen. They had reached their limit.

When we are talking to folks at an away sale or when we are speaking, Dick and I try try to gauge a person's reactions. When the eyes begin to lose focus and wander around in someone's head, well, it's a pretty good sign that we are being helleboring. On the phone it's a bit harder to tell when a prospective customer has gone over the edge. People call us every day with questions. Many of these questions can't be answered in a three word statement.
So we have to try to determine the level of interest and answer accordingly.

To those of you whom we have overburdened with information, we ask to please forgive us. We do try to be reasonable, but it's rather like folks with an only child. They think everyone cares as much as they do.


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