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Hellebore links

Nurseries specializing in hellebores and other places of interest nearby.

The list below is by no means complete, there are many places which sell hellebores these days, we have only listed nurseries that breed and sell hellebores as their primary crop. The nurseries on this list are ones that we know from personal experience, with breeders we feel are doing a great job. We have seen their plants and respect their efforts. In keeping with our belief that honesty is the only policy, we also have heard only positive comments on their business practices.

Nurseries specializing in hellebores

Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne in Oregon

David Culp and Mike Alderfer

Dan Hinkley


Ashwood Nurseries in the UK, the best in the world


Will McLewin the species hellebore guru

In Canada, the folks at Fraser's Thimble Farms do a great job.                                                                     http://www.thimblefarms.com/hellebore.html

Post Office Farm in Australia

Hans Kramer in The Netherlands

Joseph Woodard's great tribute site

this would be a fan zine if hellebores were a rock group, it is packed with good information

Other places to visit.

Tony and his late wife Michelle Avent's Plant Delights Nursery near Raleigh NC, http://www.plantdelights.com/ If you haven't visited PDN you are really missing an amazing collection of plants. PDN is now open the same weekends as our Hellebore Festival.

David Parks' Camellia Forest Nursery near Chapel Hill NC, http://www.camforest.com/ Specializing in unusual trees and shrubs. Camellia Forest is also open the same weekends as our Hellebore Festival.

JC Raulston was a shining light in the field of horticulture. The garden he began in Raleigh NC lives on as a holy land for plants and plantsmen from all over the world. http://www.ncsu.edu/jcraulstonarboretum/index.php

Sarah P Duke Gardens in Durham NC http://www.hr.duke.edu/dukegardens/ is a beautiful place to stop and work out the travelling kinks.

Also in Durham, the NC Museum of Life Science, http://www.ncmls.org/ is a great learning venue for kids of any age.

Some just wonderful things our customers do that we think are really cool.


Little Flower School




Pine Knot Farms

681 Rockchurch Road

Clarksville Virginia, 23927

phone 434-252-1990

fax 434-252-0768


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