All prices are in All prices are in USD
You can either buy our hellebores plants through the shopping cart online or by following the information in the Ordering Information section below.
To buy online, please choose the category of plants you're interested in by hovering over the 'Buy Hellebores' link above
You will see a menu drop down (see picture below). From this menu, choose the types of plants you're interested in purchasing by clicking on its name. For this example, we will assume that the "Interspecies Hybrids" category was selected.
After you click on the "Interspecies Hybrids", you will be presented with the screen below. You can scroll down to see more plants. If you're interested in learning more about and buying a particular plant, select the plant that you're interested in by clicking on its picture or its name. In this example, we will click on "Helleborus X Anna's Red".
After you click on the plant's name or picture, its description page will appear. Here, you can learn more about the plant and purchase it. The picture below shows an example of a plant's description page, which contains information about the plant and the option to add it to your shopping cart.
Ordering Information
There are several ways to order from Pine Knot Farms, you may use the wonderful storefront that permits shopping for hellebores 24 hours a day and paying online using either the PayPal option or the second option, credit cards through PayPal. It has always been our policy to only charge our customers credit cards after we ship their plants. This does not seem to be an choice on PayPal. We almost drove some kind folks nuts when they were setting up the shopping cart for us. We kept requesting a feature that would let us delay payment, but evidently this is unheard of on online shopping.
If you prefer not to use PayPal you may email your order to us at or, or or telephone us at 434-252-1990, or fax your order to 434-252-0768. Please include with your order your name, shipping and billing address, telephone number and the date you would prefer to have your plants shipped as well as your credit card information including the magic numbers on the back of your card. If you place an order will you please include your telephone number on the shipping form? UPS needs it in case they cannot find your house. We promise we will not harass you with unwanted calls.
Shipping Information
Please include the date that you would like your plants shipped with your order. Since our plants bloom at a time when much of the country is under ice and snow some customers want their plants held till later while others want them shipped so they can enjoy the blooms in a cool greenhouse or sunroom. We can't know which kind of customer you are unless you tell us. So please let us know when you would like your plants shipped.
We ship via UPS on Monday and Tuesday. The charge for shipping and handling is 15% of the total plant order, with a minimum charge of $16. We realize that this sounds like a lot for shipping, but we try our best to pack and ship the plants carefully so that your plants arrive safely.
Gifts and Gift Certificates
If your purchase is to be a gift we can send the box without an invoice attached, We can include a card in your name if you choose. We need the recipients full name and address as well as their telephone number for UPS.
We offer gift certificates several ways. We can send your gift to the person via email or post, or send you an email with the gift certificate attached so you can send it to the recipient yourself.