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Thinking about - Acer japonicum Aconitifolium

​Autumnal Inspirations at Pine Knot Farms

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Autumnal Inspirations

Autumn is in full swing at Pine Knot Farms this week. We have not yet had a killing frost, but the trees are colouring nicely. One of the highlights of the garden at this time of year is our Acer japonicum Aconitifolium
We purchased this lovely plant as a tube from Forest Farm. Forest Farm Nursery It is not well over 12' tall and one of the highlights of our garden. Thank you Forest Farm people for providing so many wonderful plants. 

Another "Watched For" plant in our garden is Galanthus reginae olgae 'Tile Barn Jamie' and it's cousins. We purchase our first bulb of this little lovely from Peter Moore at Tile Barn Cyclamen Nursery in the UK. The fact that it was said to produce two blooms per bulb was a nice feature, but we bought it because of the name. Our son in law James Tyler Walker, known as Jamie has a birthday on October 16 and almost every year Galanthus TBJ in in flower at the same time. I think of those two blooms as Jamie and our son Richard, growing together in love in the years to come. 


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